Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Common cracks near mirrors

This I find this to be typical in MGB's: in front of both mirrors bases, a crack develops and (due to the weight of the mirrors?) That happened to me, so I decided to to drill a small hole at the the end of the crack. (which will stop it from cracking)
Then I went to Home Depot and bought a small sheet of steel or aluminum maybe 12" X 12". I used tin snips to cut a about of steel or aluminum inch wide and 3 inches long. With a hammer, I gave the piece of metal a slight bend by finding a solid rounded curvy shape object (like a vise)and tapping the edges and center to give it form. The form being the surface of the door, starting from the window opening and down along the crack. With the crack being in the center. Once I have the shape, I then place it firmly on the door crack. It's a good idea to smooth out the edges with a file or bench grinder. Then, I will use pop rivets: I then drill 3 to 4 holes on each side of my repair piece. I pop rivet my repair piece and voila! Steel or aluminum rivets should work.
After that I will bondo this area. Bonding is an art itself. But basically you put your first layer down, wait 24hrs to dry, sand with may 60 grit sandpaper, then 100 grit sandpaper. You will see that you have to repeat the process several times; bondo, dry, sand. On the last application of bondo and sanding, you'll want to use a wet-sand paper that is about 300 grit or so. You can find great tutorials on bondoing on www.YouTube.com.

Here's a pic after the metal repair piece has been placed, riveted and bondo
side repair

Here is where the repair piece is:


Of course you could have it done professionally: welding or put on a new door skin but most of us can't afford that.

Monday, June 14, 2010

MGB back from the paint shop!

Well I finally did it! I got my MGB painted here are some pics. Maaco had a sale for 249.00 dollars so I went with that plus their prep special for another $150.00 bucks. Because the guy at the shop was saying that would look much better. Anyways after $409 dollars I got my car back and it doesn't look too bad. I have had this thing (MGB) for over 15 years and drove it all over San Francisco and even commuted with it from Sacramento to San Francisco for about eight months. It looks great to me!small rt side

I need to install the side markers...

small rt top

I am ordering the plastic attaching nuts for the air vent through www.victoriabritish.com

small rt r

New tail light set would look great from www.victoriabritish.com for about $45 bucks plus shipping.

smll fnt

The front bumper needs a good shine with ArmorAll

The over spray of paint needs to be removed, either scrapped off or sanded off...More details to come!